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Post by Saara 18.02.12 15:41

As seen in

The slow death of
It's like watching a once worthy adversary die of AIDS

I almost, ALMOST mind you feel some sadness at watching the demise of
JHX let it degenerate into such a haven for hard core internet scum, that even the garden variety losers stay away now.

A year ago there would be 20,30 even 40 members logged on any time of the day, now, they are lucky if it is 10

JHX desperately creates threads hoping to stir up some interest, and all he gets are Goat pics, forced responses from a few clingers, and babbling nonsense from the droolers

"It's cyclical" says JHX in a desperate attempt at self soothing. Even he knows it is not true.

For the record, I predicted this EXACT scenario as far back as a year ago and late as the week he desperately "banned me", (Remember?) just as I predicted AWE was going down a few weeks before it did.

$300 for the domain JHX, yopu'll have it in the bank an hour after I move the site to my server. It's an open offer till the spring, after which I'll just buy it fopr $60 when you don't renew next September. I'll sell ad space, list it on other "real" political site pages and make it profitable in less than a month
You are not PAYING for the Vbullitan template are you?
OMG, this poor sap, I bet he is

Anyway, JHX, you really didn't need to make it THIS easy traffic at and my free site goes up every day

Posts : 739
Join date : 2011-02-16

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