Current date/time is 15.10.24 16:32

Welcome !


Have we been "shut down" yet?

Also check out the ever growing and expanding

A site to expose laugh at, mock and ridicule the drooling lowlife who run and post at
and the lowlife racist scum all over the Nazi right wing forumosphere in general

Questions? Comments? Contact us by email anytime at or feel free to post questions in the FAQ & Q&A forum


Cotton SHREADS Fat Matt Sipos and his Hillbilly Skype Whore Lisa (GoGo) in DLP Thread
And Marcia GUMS Carneal is PISSED..LOL

You can't make this shit up, starting at about post 10, Cotton makes fatty Matty cry like a bitch and mocks him because every time he kisses Lisa, he tastes his balls..LOL

The Skype whore unfit mother Lisa waddles in to "Staynd bahh her mayn" and ends up humiliated as usual

So I had my friend Cosmo call Marcia Carneal and tell her to look up the thread since fatty admits he has been fucking the skype whore for years, LMAO, how's that workin out for ya fatty Matty?



Lil Ole Saara scares the shit out of the drooling faggots and the Transexual at Partisan Divide

But what else is new?

See The Hilarious Details Here


"Billybob" (Matt Sipos), Houndish1 (the Tranny) NathanBForrest45 (Norman Stringfield) Maliki (aka"Jack") and a few other pussies are
are so scared of me they got together and had a good cry
Check out this email from the owner of PD

"I have a mini revolt going on here with no fewer than 4 regulars (we have about 15 regular posters) saying they are not going to post here if they know you are here. ....... I do apologize for this, but I need a forum that has more than 2 posters and I fear that is what I would have if I allowed you to stay. I cannot see the problem with you, but right now I am in a bind"

Awww...what's wrong boys...still shitting your pants at the sound of my name?...Bwa ha ha
They are scared to DEATH of me....LOL

Since Patty Irwin, the owner of Partisan Divide decided to decline my gracious offer to help her hide and secure her personal info, and chose instead to cave to Droolers and trolls I won't feel guilty about posting it here
*******This is UPDATED info, seems patty created her site with falswe information, and she will be reported immediatly******
Patty Irwin
519 S Hervey St
Hope Arkansas 71801
870-722-5419, 870-777-1598
Here are some other names this stupid bitch is known by
Kathy Johnson, Patty Johnson, Patty Eastrum, Patty Easttum, Patty Irwin, Patti Roach Irwin, P Easttum


YES is dying
The DISMAL DLP.COM May traffic numbers

Traffic DOWN 11%, wiping out the 2% April bump plus another 9%
Traceable IP hits 61% (meaning 39% are bot hits)
Average daily unique hits 29 (meaning 29 different IPs or people per day)
Average daily unique hits 71 (meaning there are LOTS of socks)
Average time on site 2 minutes 11 seconds (meaning most of those 29 different people are transients who look it over and leave never to return)
These are the numbers of a site that died, but someone just forgot to cancel the recurring payment contract...It's over

As you can see, everyone knows is dying, even those who post there

JHX, Andy Green called, when you are done using his life, college degree and hydraulics business for your fake on line persona, he wants them back

"Cyclical" LOLZ

Why you mad Brah ?

Over 30% of the sites traffic is coming direct from yet the droolers are still pressing their meth scratched, bloated, slobbering faces against the window, but are too meek to log in and post..hilarious



What the Droolers were saying about Jhoffa_X and when they were all banned

Here ya go "Jhoffa_x" this is what those people you "spent a lot of money to keep together" say about you when they think you will never see it, (SAP)


Matthew (Billybob) Sipos whines like a bitch, says he is calling
Wait for it
******THE FBI******

That's almost as funny as his drunken cunt sister EMailing me she was going to "have me arrested" if I didn't remove all of her families name from the internet.
Sipos...a family of retards

"39 and athletic"

"Excuse me, Mr FBI man, I'm Matt Sipos, and there is this MEEEEAN lady I have been stalking for 3 years, will you PWEEEEEEASE make her stop picking on me...Pweeease???"

POOR Fatty Matt Sipos, after stalking me for YEARS, he cries like a bitch when I turn the tables
Tell us fat fuck, how is having pictures of your friends, family and all their info all over the internet workin out for ya?

You really Can't make this shit up

50 year old Matt Sipos claims

"I Have Been A Contractor For Over 40 years"

This would mean he has been a contractor since before he was TEN YEARS OLD

What A Dope

Also check out the sick and pathetic antics of everyone's favorite internet laughing stock
Fat Matthew (Billybob) Sipos at

All you, and anyone who ever Googles his name, need to know about Fatty Matty Sipos

PLUS The lost Sipos bitch Photobucket Michele (Sipos) VanCuren
The biker Whore of Horseheads NY
Bwa ha ha


NathanBForrest45 (Norman Stringfield) named

Check Out This Great New Site

DSCN3002, Norman Stringfiwled AKA NathanBForrest45. As fat, stupid and dullard looking as expected

Click Pic To Enlagre To truelly Appreciate How Fat And Hidious He Is

Norman has also been named drooler of the month for June 2012

The Looney Batshit Paranoid World of psycho obsessive
miligering parasite Norman Stringfield
AKA NathanBForrst45
And His Enabling Wife Lila

Give them a call at 423-487-4511 or visit them at 978 Corey Way Del Rio, TN or (423) 623-9054 or visit them at 833 W Highway 25 70 Newport, TN and let them know you like the new site


GoGo (Lisa) the Cyber Whore!

She now claims "SAARA HAS NOTHING ON ME"
Just your Address
Phone Number
Husband's name
Daughters name
Pics of you
Pics of your Husband
Pics of your daughter and son
Your Son's arrest record
Pics of the inside of your House
Pics of your Dog
An open child neglect case

"Everything is fine in my house, IT IS, IT IS, forget that I have an open child neglect case, I have openly said I hate my husband, we drive a 13 year old truck, we are common white trash, my 365 pound lowlife internet boyfriend Matt Sipos is jobless and homeless, my steady internet john stopped sending me money, and I have to sit here on Skype and spread my legs for moneygrams!...GoGo (Lisa) 3/14/12

We do hear the stank of her cooch can"Melt Butter", maybe that's why she also told people her husband "Slim" hasn't fucked her in 3 years

Read the hilarious details below
She mad?


THE most important numbers in Lisa's (GoGo) life right now



Cheri Richards has Lisa and Slim in her crosshairs

I Did Dat Lisa

You mad?

Giving that dump you live in a good scrubbin, not allowing your flea bitten mutt on the beds, and clearing the cache and reformatting the hard drive on your computer to get rid of Fat Matt's dick pics, White Mikes wanking vids,(You saved em' didn't you?) and your other skype whoring evidence might be a good move about now kunt...Ya think ? LOLZ

What a fucking pig

(For the record bitch, I warned you months ago)

Fatty Matthew Sipos lost his job, home, reputation and life as he knew it


Sipos is so broke and destitute he can't barely even afford internet service, not even dial up

He lives 20 miles from a major City and claims he was off line for two months because "Hughes Net" was his only option and it didn't work
"Huges Net" 20 miles from a major city
What a dope

Give him a call at 615-356-5700
(It forwards to his new number)
Ask him how losing his Job, Business, Home, Friends and Reputation worked out for him, and why he had to move for the 14th time in 11 years


Business Referral Network (BRN) Franklin Tennessee had an admitted racist, tax dead beat and cyber vandal/stalker as an officer in their meet up group

See the merchantcircle review for clarity title LLC below



Jason Crum

Jake Crum

Quenn Crum

Clarity Title LLC Tel 615-488-6494

What's wrong Matt ? No rants about Niggers, Coons, Wetbacks, Kikes on recently?

Did you forget there are years and hundreds of archived posts you can do NOTHING about?

Call Jason, Jake Crum or his wife Quenn at 615-448-6494 and politely and professionally ask them if they think having an admitted racist (Matthew Billybob Sipos) in his business organization (Business referral network meetup group Franklin TN) as Sgt at arms no less is a good idea

If anyone concerned was unclear exactly what "community organizers" actually do, they are about to find out

You may still feel free to email me anytime at if you have any questions. If you need documentation of his racist activism, I have gigs of it, just let me know

Find out more here

And here


By Popular Demand

The story of why I exposed, humiliated and nuked, JHX, The Tranny (Houndish1), Fatty Matty, GoGo the Skype Whore, and some other Droolers


Click the link below to see the REAL story as opposed to the weepy drooler bullshit


Why would a slobbering, old, morbidly obese 367 pound tub of lard like Matt Sipos ever call anyone else "fat" ?



OH MY GOD, he IS the Garden Gnome!!


Find out more here


Matt (billybob) Sipos White Trash Texas Trailer Park AND Appalachian shit hole Adventure

View Larger Map

6113 Allison Rd TRAILER 8 Houston, TX 77048-5334

Proof Here

Actual pics of his white trash lowlife shit hole

View Larger Map

See more at


Be sure to use the Google maps feature that allows you to take a virtual tour of this human cesspool Fatty Matty Sipos NEVER wanted anyone to know he proudly called home. Notice the rotting food and garbage in the lots, trash everywhere, barefoot white trash woman wandering aimlessly, and the all around 3rd world like squalor

OMG....Where he moved NEXT was just as bad or WORSE

This boys and girls, is the ULTIMATE humiliation, pound for pound the biggest BUST since we all found out Houndish1 was a guy or that Jhoffa_X stole Andy Green's bio for his on line persona. It proves beyond a doubt anything negative ever thought, speculated, posted or spoken about Matt Sipos if 100% true.


Matt Sipos family and friends are PISSED

ANGRY Email in my inbox


Tell us Fat Matt, how is having pics of your family on my site workin out for ya ?

Totally humiliated over and over again, what's next for Fat Matt Sipos ?

Don't Feel Bad Honey, GoGo Fell For It Too

Find out here

  • Saara's Corner

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  • Saara's Corner

    Saara's Corner

    Thoughts and commentary from your humble hostess

    Fatty Matty is peeking again...LOLZ

    10:49 AM CST 1/28/12

    Address IP Personal informations IP summary: Country name: image United States United States Area: Tennessee City: Kingston Springs Postal code: 37082 latitude: 36.1272 longitude: -87.1106 Host: IP:

    Caught you AGAIN Fatty Matty

    70 Topics
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    Sorry for neglec...
    20.11.12 17:03
    Saara View latest post
  • FAQ and Q&A

    FAQ and Q&AGetting a lot of questions via, so rather than address each one individually, look here for FAQ and answers and feel free to ask any questions you have here (Under construction)
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    "Don't you worry...
    16.02.12 11:58
    Saara View latest post
  • News & Stupidity

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  • Droolers


    Profiles, bios, and TRUE stories on skype whores, hostages on chicken farms, fat gypsy frauds, those living vicariously through businesses they look up the yellow pages, cuckolds, female impersonators, psycho paranoid conspiracy kooks, inbreeds, lowlife, white trash, hillbillies, and all the rest from

    Matthew (Fat Fuck) Sipos says he is reporting me to the FBI
    Almost as funny as his drunken cunt sister telling me she was going to "Have me arrested" if I didn't remove all of her families name from the internet
    The Sipos....a family of retards

    39 Topics
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    Matt Sipos (bill...
    17.07.12 6:48
    Saara View latest post
  • Drooler Of The Month

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  • Drooler Of The Month

    Drooler Of The Month

    Every month, we showcase and bio a Drooler

    Pattty Irwin (or whatever alias she is going by this week) of Partisan Divide wins drooler of the month for July!

    24 Topics
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    August drooler o...
    01.08.12 15:29
    Saara View latest post
  • Rules, Qualifications & Contenders For Drooler Of The Month

    Rules, Qualifications & Contenders For Drooler Of The Month

    To be considered for drooler of the Month

    You must be sufficiently ignorant, stupid, uneducated, and or retarded. You must express no fewer than 10 totally laughable half baked babbling non opinions per month, state no fewer than 10 complete lies and fabrications per month, have been exposed to have participated in at least 15 cases of sock creation, shilling, spamming, internet vandalism, and or cyber stalking from calendar years 2007 to the present, must lose control of their bodily functions and or fly into blind rage at the sight or thought of minorities, gays, educated people, the gainfully employed, and the fully literate, and must be totally incapable of adult level legitimate discussion on matters of politics, social issues, religion, chocolate milk, personal hygiene, shiny objects, things that taste salty, and what objects you should never stick in your ear.

    Body weight 40% over or 30% under normal, poor dental hygiene, frequent outdoor urination, unkempt facial hair, (men and women) chronic unemployment or under employment, men who own less that 5 shits with a collar, women who own less than 4 pairs of shoes, a home which is situated on a lot less than 100x50 feet, is on wheels, is located more then 4 miles from a place where soap can be purchased, or has "weekly and monthly rates", ownership of vehicles older then 12 years old with a blue book value of less than $1000, the inability to properly pronounce vowels, a lisp, and use of semi literate terms like "Ya'll", "All get out", ending sentences with "right there", beginning sentences with "I tell ya h'wut" and an income lower than 20% above the poverty level are all desirable attributes for any drooler of the month candidate.

    13 Topics
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    August drooler o...
    01.08.12 15:29
    Saara View latest post
  • The Droolers Den

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  • The Droolers Den

    The Droolers Den

    Here ya go Droolers. It has been suggested I give you your own place to hang out. No need to try to register by proxy or temporary email and have me laugh and reject your asses. No need to spend hour after hour lurking here and on (we see you) crying and having your blood pressure rise. No need to PM or text 8 people and have 3 show up for a retarded shill conversation on

    Let your ballz drop or take your smock apron off and post away. (or if your are a tranny, do both) You still need to register to post here but no need to worry about your IP. If I want it, I either have it or could get it anyway

    I wont edit or delete as long as you follow the rules

    Personally, I think this will be tumbleweeds and they will just keep licking the windows, but we can always use this as just another way to mock them

    6 Topics
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    Sorry billybob's...
    20.02.12 1:37
    johnnypeepers View latest post
  • News, Current Events, and General Political Stuff

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  • News, Current Events, and General Political Stuff

    News, Current Events, and General Political StuffGeneral Political Topics...A place for actual political topics You need not be a registered member or log in to post in this subforum

    See the stupid political thread of the month

    43 Topics
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    Bin Laden Update...
    01.05.12 11:02
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  • The GOP nomination freak show

    The GOP nomination freak show

    The GOP freak show and the 4 clowns in the center ring.

    One who wears majik underwear, one who is mentally ill, one who name is a synonym for anal sex residue, and one who was getting BJs from his current wife while his wife at the time was home being the dutiful right wing spouse, take your pic

    All this trouble just to lose by 4 to 6 points and by 80 to 115 electoral votes in the general election

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    Obama/Dem Landsl...
    15.02.12 11:59
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